iMweb developer


Here are some tools I like to work with and have been using in my projects.


HTML: The basis for laying out the web.

CSS3 Logo

CSS: The basis for styling the web.

JavaScript Logo

JavaScript: Best programming language around! (sorry to all the others...)

React LogoReact

React: This library completely changed the way I code. Can't recommend it enough.

Gatsby Logo

Gatsby: Awesome React-based framework! (this site was built with Gatsby 😊)

Python Logo

Python: Has the most beautiful syntax! I love using it for server side coding.

Django Logo

Django: Great framework to create web applications. Very good security features.

MySQL Logo

MySQL: Database system that uses SQL. Great for projects that use relational databases.

Git Logo

Git: I use it for version control, in conjunction with GitLab and GitHub.

R Logo

R: Very good language for treatment of scientific and statistical data.

R Shiny Logo

R Shiny: This is a great R package designed to create interactive web apps.

jQuery Logo

jQuery: Great JS library for DOM manipulation and event handling.

Greensock Logo

Greensock/GSAP: Super amazing tool to create animations for the web!

Bootstrap Logo

Bootstrap: Very complete HTML, CSS, JS framework, but a bit too standard and rigid.